Monday, January 27, 2014


I enjoy hiking A LOT. Its full of adventure and new experiences, not to mention the amazing sites you will see every time you go out. My grandparents live on a farm, and they have plenty of land to explore. That is generally how I spend my time there. I remember one time, a long time ago my aunt had gone walking with me, and we came across this beautiful waterfall. Its was an incredible discovery. Ever since then I kept trying to refind what I had found before and never could...until one day I did. To describe this place in words is almost impossible. The peak of the waterfall is high enough to see out for quite a distance. Lord knows that if I ever fall id be screwed. I would meet a rocky ravine with my face, or broken bones, or both.  In the base of the fall, there are a few pools of water that collect over time. Its not completly filled with water, so I can climb down and walk underneath the fall. Its not easy getting down. There are three ways in my opinion; climb down a very steep wall, walk around the falls sides, or jump/fall. Usually I challenge myself and try to climb down the wall. It doesnt always end well, but thats what adventure and discovery is all about! It wouldnt be as exciting if you werent risking your life now and then. Now im not saying do anything dangerous or drastic, just go out and discover something new for you, or rediscover what you once thought was lost. Its amazing what you will find 

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